Made in one week for the Brackeys Game Jam 2024.

A malevolent force resides beyond the Door, in order to convince them to stay there you'll need to offer something to appease them!

Appeasement is a short puzzle experience where everything from the mechanics to the win condition will need to be deciphered through experimentation.

Everything in the game is controller by clicking and dragging with the mouse.

In the interest of preserving the intended experience for other please avoid any hints or spoilers in the comments, thanks!

I've added a few hints here because it seems I might have underestimated the difficulty, but I recommend not checking them until you've tried a few times so you can exhaust the in game hints.

Solution Hint 1 (Spoiler)

All cards should be the same in one way but unique in another.

Solution Hint 2 (Spoiler)

Cards have 2 attributes; the animal in the picture, and the value given by the number/symbol

Full Solution (Spoiler)

You need all cards to either;

have matching animals but different numbers (eg. Crow 1, Crow 2, Crow 3, Crow 4, Crow 5)


matching numbers but different animals (eg. Newt 1, Rat 1, Crow 1, Goat 1, Bull 1)


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Not-very-spoilery feedback, but in anyway just in case:

V yvxrq gur ngzbfcurer; V yvxrq cynlvat jvgu gur nccnengv gb svther bhg ubj gurl punatrq gur pneqf. Gur znva guvat V qvqa'g yvxr jnf gung lbh qvqa'g rknpgyl trg srrqonpx ba lbhe bssrevat; vafgrnq, lbh tbg jung ybbxrq yvxr n pnaarq uvag nsgre rnpu fnpevsvpr.  Fb vg sryg n yvggyr yrff yvxr "qvfpbirevat ubj rirelguvat jbexf naq jung gur ornfg jnagf" naq zber yvxr "qvfpbirevat ubj rirelguvat jbexf, naq fybjyl orvat gbyq jung gur ornfg jnagf".

Thanks for the feedback, and especially for figuring out a great way to give it! 

Lbh'er evtug gung gurer'f abg ernyyl n tbbq jnl gb svther bhg gur fbyhgvba orfvqrf gur uvagf, vg'f fbzrguvat V'q qrsvavgryl gel gb vzcebir tvira n ybatre gvzrsenzr. V'ir fjvgpurq hc gur beqre bs gur uvagf gb gel gb svk vg n ovg, jvyy unir n guvax nobhg zber qlanzvp fbyhgvbaf.


I feel like I should have a webpage I can link to every time I leave a comment, which says something like "When I spot a flaw in a game that a studio spent two years developing, that's on them.  When I observe a weakness in a game that one person made under a one-week game-jam time limit, I'm doing so with the understand that, OMG, you made a game in a week! That's awesome! And I liked it and I'm not leaving a comment to try to make a bad thing good, but to help make a good thing better. Really, I'm only saying anything in case you feel like you have the time and energy to return to it!"

In all seriousness, this was a very good puzzle game. (Also, now that I think about the one-week limit, I realize, "Oh, all those games about doors--this was one of those, wasn't it?  It's just that it incorporated the behind-the-door theme so well--central to the game, but not central to every move you make in it--that I didn't notice.")  Think about the feedback as much or as little as you like!