All code and assets made from scratch in 2 weeks for the Acerola Jam 0.

Drop blocks and complete lines to score points!

  • A/D - Move block left/right
  • S - Move block down
  • W - Drop block
  • Q/E - Rotate block (counter)clockwise
  • Click a panel on the right to select next block

Use the customise menu to adjust the fall speed, how often it increases and how often aberrant block appear.


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Good game, and I love how you included aberrations. The music can get repetitive though, and with no increase in speed as time goes on, there is no much difficulty

yeah, this was my first go at making music so it's pretty basic. The speed goes up by 5% per level so it's pretty subtle, but you can use the customisation menu to increase the base speed or increase frequency if you want to make it more of a challenge!


Got it! Try to make that more obvious to the player through UI and such. Perhaps a counter that shows current speed, and there are also buttons next to it that you can click to change the speed/difficulty?

