Post Jam Update

Between the feedback from the jam and our own feelings there were a few things that felt worth updating. There were the relatively minor quality of life improvements - a bit more polish/juice and improved keyboard-only support to make it play a bit smoother - but the biggest issue raised was the lack of content! I'm not much of a level designer, I'm not very good at it and I don't enjoy it (these may be related), so I took the programmer approach and implemented procedural level generation. 

The tenth level will now be created procedurally every time you enter it and choosing 'next level' from it will generate another one. It's not perfect, the difficulty of the generated levels may vary wildly and (despite my best efforts) some levels may not be possible to complete. To account for this I've also added the option to move to the next level (or generate a new one) without completing the current one.

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20 days ago

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